

Coho­usingis a type of inten­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ty com­po­sed of pri­va­te homes sup­ple­men­ted by sha­red faci­li­ties. The com­mu­ni­ty is plan­ned, owned and mana­ged by the resi­dents – who also sha­re acti­vi­ties which may inc­lu­de cooking, dining, child care, gar­de­ning, and gover­nan­ce of the com­mu­ni­ty. Com­mon faci­li­ties may inc­lu­de a kit­chen, dining room, laun­dry, child care faci­li­ties, offi­ces, inter­net access, guest rooms, and recre­atio­nal features.
 Wię­cej wiki­pe­dia.

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