Rumi o roślinach Jalal al-Din Rumi via Colman Barks

…plants have an inner being, and sepa­ra­te ways of tal­king and feeling… rośli­ny mają życie wewnętrz­ne. mają swo­je spo­so­by mówie­nia i odczuwania.


Plants have an inner being, and sepa­ra­te ways of tal­king and feeling.
An ear of corn bends in thought.
Tulip, so embar­ras­sed. Pink rose deci­ding to open a
com­pe­ting sto­re. A bunch of gra­pes sits with its feet stuck out.
Nar­cis­sus gos­si­ping abo­ut iris.
Wil­low, what do you learn from run­ning water?
– Humility.
Red apple, what has the Friend tau­ght you?
– To be sour.
Peach tree, why so low?
– To let you reach. Look at the poplar, tall but
witho­ut fru­it or flower.
– Yes, if I had tho­se, I’d be self-absorbed
like you. I gave up self to watch the enli­gh­te­ned ones.
Pome­gra­na­te questions quince,
– Why so pale?
– For the pearl you hid insi­de me.
– How did you disco­ver my secret?
Your laugh.
The core of the seen and unse­en universes
smi­les, but remem­ber, smi­les come best from tho­se who weep…

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